Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Maslow yang kemudiannya diberi mandat mengetuai pentadbiran sebuah kolej bermasalah di Amerika, Antioch College, akhirnya berkata,”My theory doesn’t work.”

keh.. keh.. keh.. human are funny you know.
first they decide to believe it, then they denied it.

"depa ingat depa pandai"

So, that's why there were 'American Jack-Ass' show presented proudly. Great! Now they are here happening. Our neighbor, Garuda been infected and i think they are about rotting. Virus attack in really subjective way.

Media really did their job.


akirasuri said...

agreed. enough said.

m taufiq a aziz said...

wah, cik ati. long time no see lah ober hier..

akirasuri said...

bizi encik. huhu.

tawawfayakof said...

banyak makan angin ni gamaknya..

Qasyira Noristiqa

Zaman baru nak up dulu, antara band yang cuba dibuat adalah Qasyira Noristiqa yang berpusatkan vibe ekspresi lirik dari Enal dengan susunan ...