Thursday, March 30, 2017

trust your instincts

Aku dapat email, lebih kurang macam ini bunyi dia.....

From PayPal
Today at 3:06


Message body
Taufiq Aziz - We're sorry we made a mistake

We're sorry we made a mistake

Hi Taufiq Aziz,

You may have received an email on 28 March 2017 from us with the subject “Enjoy hassle-free online shopping”. This email is intended for new customers of PayPal and we apologise for sending it to you by mistake.

How to be sure an email is really from PayPal

Sometimes we need to ask for more information about you, your business or some of your transactions. If we do this, we’ll always ask you to log in to your account to provide more information via the Resolution Centre. Remember, don’t click on a link to provide personal or financial information – always visit our site by typing into your browser’s address bar.

If you receive an email claiming to be from PayPal and you’re not sure, trust your instincts and forward it to We’ll let you know if it’s genuine or not.

We apologise again for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Yours sincerely 


Aku cuma terfikir...

"trust your instincts?"

Valid ke hanya sekadar demikian?

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